Saturday, February 11, 2012

Missions Moment

One of the newer and exciting development that has come out of Spearhead, principally headed through our co-worker Wendy Der, is the work towards developing the Mexican missionary movement. This has long been a passion for Wendy and she has done quite a lot to develop, encourage, and promote Mexican missionaries in a number of different ways. One area she has been developing is a short-term mission trip to Honduras for Mexican youth from all over Mexico City. Our Spearhead students have also had the privilege in the past couple of years to participate and organize the trip, which has been a great experience for all involved. This year twenty-something youth and leaders are heading to Honduras during Semana Santa (Holy Week) in order to serve alongside Honduran churches, and share the Gospel. One young man from our church here in Mexico City will be participating in the trip, Kevin spoke of him in a previous blog, Rafa. One of the neat developments from previous trips is that being involved in the missions movement in Honduras has encouraged many of the young people who went on the trip to become more missional here in Mexico City.

Each person involved in the trip is responsible to raise their support, which as it is for all missionaries, has been challenging, but has also really encouraged these young people to trust God to provide in a way they might not have before. Tonight they are putting on a benefit concert at a local church. If anyone is interested in supporting this trip whether it be through prayer or finances please email us and we will let you know how you can be more involved.

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